Salary calculator for foreigners

When working in Poland, many people, especially foreigners, face difficulties due to a lack of full knowledge of Polish tax procedures and regulations. In many cases, employees do not realise that various types of taxes are deducted from the gross salary, which affects the final amount of the payment they will receive into their account.

We have implemented a salary calculator to address this issue and help employees – both Polish and foreign - to better understand the components of their paycheck. The tool provides clear and precise information on net pay and is available in up to four languages – Polish, English, Ukrainian and Russian.

The calculator takes into account all applicable tax laws, insurance premiums and other potential deductions that affect the employee's final income. As a result, employees can easily calculate how much money they will receive 'on hand' after all taxes and fees have been deducted.


We believe that with ongoing support and tools such as the salary calculator, employees feel more confident and aware of their rights and responsibilities, and have better control over their finances. This in turn contributes to increased job satisfaction and integration into the local community.

We encourage you to find out how OTTO Work Force's salary calculator works. Simply go to

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