Frank van Gool:

“There is more work to be done in Poland than there are people available to do it. Fortunately, there are hard-working international employees who are happy to take on this work. This ensures supermarkets remain well stocked and packages are delivered super fast. A total of 7.000 OTTO employees work both for employers and for Poland every single day”.

OTTO Profile


We are OTTO


International employees
in Europe


Operational in
European countries


in Europe


Satisfied clients
in Europe

We operate
in industries

OTTO Work Force, since its founding in 2000, has grown dynamically and is now a leader in the market of international employment agencies. Every day, 27.000 international employees of OTTO Work Force work for our clients in Europe. In Poland, we mainly serve companies operating in the following industries: production, logistics, trade, services, e-commerce. 7.000 OTTO employees work for our clients on the Polish market.

Future of work


  • Market leader in international employment services
  • Over 22 years of experience
  • Large international network of offices
  • RESPECT for our employees and clients
  • Extensively certified, so simply well organised

About OTTO

OTTO Insights

OTTO Work Force

Salary calculator for foreigners

When working in Poland, many people, especially foreigners, face difficulties due to a lack of full knowledge of Polish tax procedures and regulations. In many cases, employees do not realise that various types of taxes are deducted from the gross salary, which affects the final amount of the payment they will receive into their account.

OTTO Work Force

Satisfaction of Ukrainians with work in Poland increases

The level of satisfaction of employees from Ukraine with their work in Poland is on the rise. As many as 85% respondents declare to be satisfied with their job, an increase of seven percentage points year-over-year. As the demand for workers from Eastern countries continues to grow, companies compete to attract them with higher salaries or additional benefits. Ukrainian employees also attach increasing importance to the sense of security.

OTTO Work Force

Who will replace Ukrainian men on the Polish labour market?

The Polish labour market has been undergoing dynamic changes in the last two years. Barely recovered after the hardships of the pandemics, it is already struggling with the consequences of the Russia’s armed attack on Ukraine. The conflict brought about an influx of substantial number of women from Ukraine, for whom there are not enough jobs on the market. In turn, employers are already facing staff shortages when it comes to professions performed mostly by men. Consequently, there is a growing interest among employers in workers from other countries such as Moldova, Georgia, and Kazakhstan.

OTTO Work Force / Developments

The Happy OTTO Employee Journey

A factor in the success of our company is not only good organization, but also awareness of what we do and awareness of the direction in which we are going. We know how, we know why & we know where. Properly targeted action energy makes a difference. Every two years we sharpen our strategic course. In future years, we will want to find out exactly what motivates our employees. The title of the 2020-2024 strategy reads: The Happy Employee Journey.

OTTO Work Force / Developments

The Happy OTTO Employee Journey

A factor in the success of our company is not only good organization, but also awareness of what we do and awareness of the direction in which we are going. We know how, we know why & we know where. Properly targeted action energy makes a difference. Every two years we sharpen our strategic course. In future years, we will want to find out exactly what motivates our employees. The title of the 2020-2024

OTTO Work Force

Salary calculator for foreigners

When working in Poland, many people, especially foreigners, face difficulties due to a lack of full knowledge of Polish tax procedures and regulations. In many cases, employees do not realise that various types of taxes are deducted from the gross salary, which affects the final amount of the payment they will receive into their account.

OTTO Work Force

Satisfaction of Ukrainians with work in Poland increases

The level of satisfaction of employees from Ukraine with their work in Poland is on the rise. As many as 85% respondents declare to be satisfied with their job, an increase of seven percentage points year-over-year. As the demand for workers from Eastern countries continues to grow, companies compete to attract them with higher salaries or additional benefits. Ukrainian employees also attach increasing importance to the sense of security.

OTTO Work Force

Who will replace Ukrainian men on the Polish labour market?

The Polish labour market has been undergoing dynamic changes in the last two years. Barely recovered after the hardships of the pandemics, it is already struggling with the consequences of the Russia’s armed attack on Ukraine. The conflict brought about an influx of substantial number of women from Ukraine, for whom there are not enough jobs on the market. In turn, employers are already facing staff shortages when it comes to professions performed mostly by men. Consequently, there is a growing interest among employers in workers from other countries such as Moldova, Georgia, and Kazakhstan.

OTTO Work Force / Developments

The Happy OTTO Employee Journey

A factor in the success of our company is not only good organization, but also awareness of what we do and awareness of the direction in which we are going. We know how, we know why & we know where. Properly targeted action energy makes a difference. Every two years we sharpen our strategic course. In future years, we will want to find out exactly what motivates our employees. The title of the 2020-2024 strategy reads: The Happy Employee Journey.

Salary calculator for foreigners

When working in Poland, many people, especially foreigners, face difficulties due to a lack of full knowledge of Polish tax procedures and
