Partner in work

For 22 years, OTTO Work Force has been specializing in obtaining qualified personnel to work in key industries. In recent years, we have strengthened our position, becoming a significant player on the Polish market. We were one of the first companies to start operations in Ukraine, thanks to which we have built the appropriate structure and know-how much faster than the competition. Today it pays off and we successfully employ qualified employees from Central and Eastern Europe. Clients derive satisfaction from cooperation with OTTO and appreciate the quality of our services. The employees, in turn, have confidence in us.

We approach each client individually, selecting the offer in accordance with his needs and the specificity of the industry in which he operates. During the implementation of the project, we are always close to the client to quickly react to the changing realities in the company and to jointly develop short and long-term forecasts.

We operate
in industries

OTTO Work Force, since its founding in 2000, has grown dynamically and is now a leader in the market of international employment agencies. Every day, 25.000 international employees of OTTO Work Force work for our clients in Europe. In Poland, we mainly serve companies operating in the following industries: production, logistics, trade, services, e-commerce. 7.000 OTTO employees work for our clients on the Polish market.

Get in touch


The head office of OTTO Work Force is located in Kobierzyce, Poland. We are available on working days from 8:00 to 16:00. Or mail us.

View all our locations in Europe


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OTTO Work Force once again with the title ‘Well-seen Company’

We are pleased to announce that we have once again been awarded the title ‘Well Seen Company’ by the Business Centre Club. This award confirms our commitment to the highest quality and responsible approach to business.

Challenges and the future of the Polish labour market – OTTO Work Force conference in Opole

On 19 November, a unique conference on the directions of development of the Polish labour market and the challenges facing entrepreneurs in the coming years was held in Opole. The event was organised by OTTO Work Force in cooperation with the Opole Centre for Economic Development.

OTTO Work Force at the start of the Leśna Draka run

On 17 November 2024, we had the pleasure of participating in the Leśna Draka run, which took place in Tarnow Opolski. As a sponsor of the event, we not only supported the organisation of the run, but also actively participated in it. Our OTTO team did not disappoint - employees took part in the 10 km, 5 km and Nordic walking distances.