You also have a duty to exert social influence with a plea to improve the situation. I do that at the ABU, at VNO-NCW, in the media, through my contacts at trade unions, with civil servants, at various municipalities and in national politics. Striking a nerve, coming up with solutions, drafting white papers, sitting on committees, writing opinion articles, lobbying, and using the contacts I have for that all-important goal: improving the position of migrant workers in our country. And yes, you can support a political party out of conviction, but political decision-making is not for sale. And that is just as well. What you can do though is come up with a good story and deliver it to politicians in the run-up to the elections. We did just that in past weeks by launching a concrete four-point programme under the slogan 'Grip on Labour Migration', among others via And it's great that the media picked up on it and that I got to ask a question about it in an election debate.
I feel it my responsibility, as a major player in the field of labour migration, to stick my neck out. By the way, I’m pretty much the only one in our line of business. I would applaud more entrepreneurs publicly advocating the improvement of the position of migrant workers in our country. I also mean here businesspeople from other branches, as this is in the interest of the entire entrepreneurial Netherlands. Finally, politics seems to be stirring a bit around labour migration. Let’s make sure it goes in the right direction!