Flexmarkt column February 2024

It has to be about better first!

In his column for Flexmarkt, Frank van Gool calls on politicians to finally make choices. In any case, rogue employment agencies should be dealt with much harder. But in addition, choices must be made regarding labor migration. Van Gool calls for this to be done with urgency.

Labor migration is in the spotlight. Politicians in The Hague are calling for less and the business community is warning that we cannot do without labor migrants. An interesting discussion with an uncertain outcome. But I see two bright spots: it is good that we are finally talking seriously about it, and "people" agree that it needs to be better in any case.

Elimination of excesses
Busy arguments are being made in all sorts of quarters about the usefulness and necessity of labor migration, about eliminating excesses and about looking critically at certain sectors. In any case, it is clear that we have all let it happen to us over the past few decades. Any idiot can start an employment agency, slum landlords are remodeling an estimated 45 thousand single-family homes to "house" labor migrants, and everyone praises the report "No second-class citizens", but not much is happening with the recommendations so far.

Tougher approach to malpractice
Election rhetoric has caused all kinds of parties to stir and that in itself is a win. Bottom line: of course we should think about the sectors where labor migrants add the most value, but it should be about better and the tougher approach to malpractice first. In short, it is time for stringent policies. High time even.

Limit reached
Our company has grown rapidly and we also have growth ambitions for the coming years. You would think: the more labor migrants, the better. But we don't think that way. We also see that the limit has been reached in some areas. Hard-working labor migrants deserve decent treatment: proper payment, correct treatment and proper housing. But it ends sometime as long as there are municipalities that stubbornly continue to refuse to allow housing for employees of the companies in their own municipality. On one hand, companies are welcomed with open arms, but when it comes to providing housing, suddenly the door is closed. If we do not solve this, the limits of growth will come into view.

'What should our economy look like?'
Then let's close the slaughterhouses and distribution centers, it is said. This is easier said than done, but the underlying thought is worthwhile. How should our economy look in the coming years, what are we focusing on, and which sectors don't fit into that picture?

Delta Plan
Given the free movement of goods and people within Europe, there isn't an easy 'button' to press, but there can be one for labor migration from outside Europe. In the Delta Plan "Grip on Labor Migration," former politician Gert-Jan Segers proposes to admit third-country nationals only in sectors where shortages exist, such as healthcare and energy transition. You would then also have to set a maximum time limit of five years for people to return to their country of origin.

This report does not come out of the blue. I challenged Segers well before the election to come up with a coherent vision. The report was presented in January and initial reactions from employers and employees were positive. See also gripoparbeidsmigratie.nl.

Now let's hope the political parties make wise choices. For it is time for policy, high time.

OTTO Work Force

It has to be about better first!

In his column for Flexmarkt, Frank van Gool calls on politicians to finally make choices. In any case, rogue employment agencies should be dealt with much harder. But in addition, choices must be made regarding labor migration. Van Gool calls for this to be done with urgency.

OTTO Work Force

Like a rabbit in the headlights!

Society is generally critical of migration, while migration is inevitable and a certain degree of labor migration is necessary for the Dutch labor market. This negative sentiment is reinforced by the problems that exist in the field of labor migration. Rightly so that this was a major theme during the elections, rightly so that this is an important file during the formation. But it's not good that we, as directly involved parties and stakeholders, continue to stare like a rabbit in the headlights and passively wait for what is conjured up from the Hague's top hat. My call to everyone is therefore: make your voice heard!

OTTO Work Force

Sticking your neck out

Frank van Gool made the news this week for being the only entrepreneur to ask a question during the SBS6 election debate. In the column for Flexmarkt, he explains why he did so.

OTTO Work Force

Column Flexmarkt Oct 2023

In his column for Flexmarkt, Frank van Gool of OTTO Work Force advocates the introduction of an “orange card” for migrant workers from outside the EU. This should be the solution to shortages in crucial sectors, such as (health) care and technical branches.

OTTO Work Force / Developments

The Happy OTTO Employee Journey

A factor in the success of our company is not only good organization, but also awareness of what we do and awareness of the direction in which we are going. We know how, we know why & we know where. Properly targeted action energy makes a difference. Every two years we sharpen our strategic course. In future years, we will want to find out exactly what motivates our employees. The title of the 2020 - 2024

Developments / Industries

Partner of a global player

“With half a million employees in over 220 countries and regions, we effortlessly connect all corners of the planet”. Few companies can say that, but Deutsche Post DHL Group can. And in three countries we can count DHL among our clients. OTTO Work Force is proud to be a partner of this global player in the Netherlands, Germany, and Poland. An introduction.

OTTO Work Force

It has to be about better first!

In his column for Flexmarkt, Frank van Gool calls on politicians to finally make choices. In any case, rogue employment agencies should be dealt with much harder. But in addition, choices must be made regarding labor migration. Van Gool calls for this to be done with urgency.

OTTO Work Force

Like a rabbit in the headlights!

Society is generally critical of migration, while migration is inevitable and a certain degree of labor migration is necessary for the Dutch labor market. This negative sentiment is reinforced by the problems that exist in the field of labor migration. Rightly so that this was a major theme during the elections, rightly so that this is an important file during the formation. But it's not good that we, as directly involved parties and stakeholders, continue to stare like a rabbit in the headlights and passively wait for what is conjured up from the Hague's top hat. My call to everyone is therefore: make your voice heard!

OTTO Work Force

Sticking your neck out

Frank van Gool made the news this week for being the only entrepreneur to ask a question during the SBS6 election debate. In the column for Flexmarkt, he explains why he did so.

OTTO Work Force

Column Flexmarkt Oct 2023

In his column for Flexmarkt, Frank van Gool of OTTO Work Force advocates the introduction of an “orange card” for migrant workers from outside the EU. This should be the solution to shortages in crucial sectors, such as (health) care and technical branches.

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